Friday, January 15, 2016

Teresa Knox's Chapter 5 Blog Post

                                     Organize an Outstanding Classroom Library

I thought this article would be interesting because the next thing I would like to do in my class is organize my classroom library.  I would like to make it easier for my students to choose books other than the independent reading books that look the same but have a different title.

According to Routman, classroom libraries are the most effective way increase reading achievement, is to have a really good organized classroom library. When students read something they are interested in, it helps them become more interested in wanting to read. Also, we need to make sure they have books they can borrow and keep at home. The value of "light-reading" is what people do when they are struggling readers but become more competent readers. Comic books, magazines, and picture books are engaging books with pictures that can help struggling readers as well.

The classroom library should be the cornerstone of the literacy classroom. When we as teachers talk about reading and show our own enthusiasm for reading, it will inspire and motivate our students to read.

I think I am going to use the method "Try It, Apply It". Some things I have already tried was watching the sales at a discount bookstore and taking advantage of Scholastic Book Club. Most importantly I want to make my classroom library more attractive, comfortable, and accessible for reading.


  1. Teresa, I'm so glad to hear that you want to shine up your classroom library! I'm always glad to help you with that project!

  2. Hi Teresa,
    I am glad to know that Routman's suggestions for your classroom library were helpful. Like you I appreciated the case she made for "light reading" and know many times my students will gravitate towards magazines, scary stories, comic books, etc. I liked her "Try it Apply it" strategy too!
