Friday, April 15, 2016

Vinyard Post #6

I was just writing about this in my I believe section and I agree with the author when she says that reading is such a huge part of her life and that beginning the school year and showing your students that you are enthusiastic about reading is very important. When you are modeling reading you should always show enthusiasm as well! I never want to overwhelm or poke fun or embarrass my students but during our ELA when we are in Lit circles and/or doing our novel study I often times stop my students when they begin reading because they are reading with no enthusiasm and avoiding exclamation points and such. I model for them what the paragraph or sentence should sound like when reading aloud.
I also let students know when and where I read and the students love to hear my opinions on books and know which books I have read. Its easy to communicate and talk with students and get them excited about books and about reading when you do that yourself. I have always been a reader and its easy to show my students how to really get "into" 'a book.
I like to give my students reading inventories and have them do quick writes on their favorite stories or what they are reading at the moment. I like to have them share some of their favorite books and some of their favorite series as well. I love the idea of having a folder of "Books I want to read"!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Anna,
    Which chapter did you read for this blog post? It sounds like it was Routman's chapter on sharing your reading life with students at the beginning of the book. I agree with you that it is important to model our reading processes through think alouds with our students so they can see the process not just the outcome.
