Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Schmidt Blog Post #5

Routman (2003): Chapter 6- Plan for and Monitor Independent Reading, and Chapter 7- Make Assessment Instruction's Working Partner

January 12, 2016

     Independent reading in the classroom is essential to help students become better readers. This is one thing that gets shoved on the back burner because we run out of time, but it is very critical to help students become better readers. Independent reading does not mean just have students grab a book and read for a certain amount of time- there is so much more to it for it to be beneficial to the students. One thing that is important is to help students select books that are "just right" for them. This doesn't just mean a book that is "on their level" either. For the book to be just right, students need to be interested in what they are reading. They need to understand what they are reading, and be able to summarize if asked to. They need to keep a reading record to keep track of their reading, etc. It is also important for students to have time to partner read, switching reading and discussing the book/ answering questions. Before doing this, the teacher must model how it is done so that students know what to expect. While students are independently reading, the teacher can be walking around, or conferencing with students to record their progress.

     Assessments are also important to help students become better readers. One of the best ways to evaluate a student's progress in reading is to sit by them and listen to them read. Conducting informal reading conferences is a good way to keep up with the progress of a student, and find out how they are doing. When conferencing, make sure the student has their book with them, and that they are ready to answer questions by the teacher regarding their reading/ what they have learned. If a student struggles, that means they might not be reading a book that is "just right" for them.
Assessments are no help if they are not used in the classroom. It is important not to make an assessment that doesn't move teaching and learning forward. If assessments aren't doing this, they are a large waste of time.

     I learned a lot from this section of reading- what each is and how they can be implemented in the classroom. Implementing independent reading in the day is going to be hard.... I can barely get through lessons as it is! I will definitely do my best to try and find ways for my students to independently read throughout the day, because I know that it is very important for student success!


  1. It is hard to find the time in the day to not only have IR but to have really beneficial IR elements as well. You have already done a lot getting your classroom library looking fabulous, I know that you will be just as determined when working in more into IR!

  2. Hi Kristin,
    I know how packed each day is and how much time we invest after the day is done in planning and preparing for the next day. My favorite part about this chapter is how Routman explains that assessment can influence our instruction and help increase it's effectiveness. Working smarter not harder helps us not get through the plans but to ensure that what we are teaching matches our student's needs and interests.
