Friday, September 25, 2015

Katy DeFouw August Blog

In chapter 3 of Routman’s Reading Essentials the author has numerous helpful tips to make me a better reading teacher.  The author expressed that it is so important to tell your students why you read.  I often tell my students how we need to learn to read because we have to follow directions, read newspapers, read text messages, read magazine, and read books. 
It is always disheartening when I ask my students, “Why do we have to learn to read?” and they respond with, “Because we have to.”  I feel it is important to establish a responsibility for reading and give my students real life reasons to show the importance of reading.  The text emphasized the importance of modeling reading whether it is whole group, small group, or independent reading.

I tell my students that even though it may sound silly, they can practice reading to their favorite stuffed animal, action figure, or doll.  This helps them practice fluency, practice reading aloud, and establishing a purpose to read.  I tell my students that I like to read to Ivy to practice before I come to school and read to them.  They think this is so funny that I will read to my dog, but it gets them interested in reading.  


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Katy, It makes me sad as well when kids don't know why reading is important. I agree with what you wrote about giving students real life reasons for reading. Sometimes the reader who doesn't love reading for the escape and entertainment, will read because they know it will help them to understand math or science, or to one day get a job! Don't you wish you could bring Ivy in to be a reading buddy? My Frank would love it!

  3. Hi Katy,
    I love that you share your reading life with your students and share with them how you read to Ivy to practice. That made me smile and I know it made your students laugh and sparked their interest in reading. You shared how many of your students don't really choose to read for enjoyment but rather feel they have to read. I want to encourage all of us to work to inspire a love for reading and to continue to share our enthusiasm and sincere love for reading with our students. Thank you! Dawn
