Teresa Patterson Blog Post #4 Miller Not This “Is There Enough Time?”
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learn to read by reading, but not without instructional support.” Our
kindergarten schedule allows time for independent reading in our day so part of
this article in finding the time doesn’t really apply to us. We have cut our calendar time shorter though
we still do it, just not to the length and extent we once did. I have already successfully implemented the
students’ choosing their books and am excited about the new leveled readers
being purchased for my students. I do conference with students but need to
improve in a variety of ways. At the beginning of the year it is more difficult
as their attention spans for looking at/reading books is limited. I always see
improvement as the year progresses. The more we put books in our student’s
hands, the more opportunity arises to become successful readers!
Teresa I know kindergarten has worked hard on making independent reading a priority this year and that has blessed our kids in numerous ways! We will be looking more closely at conferencing in upcoming R2S sessions!