In section 2 of
No More Independent Reading Without Support, Miller continues to stress how important independent reading is for our emerging and growing readers. Teachers are continuously given research and evidence supporting the importance of student selected independent reading time. Yet, if we know how important this IR time is, then why aren't we doing it more frequently in the classroom?
There are many reasons linked to why teachers do not enforce IR in the classroom: limited time, students who are not ready, and management of different levels are only a few of the reasons sited. I must admit, that I have also been guilty of giving the same reasons for not setting aside this time for my students. However, if we want students to be successful then our mindset and the way we implement IR has to change. Miller suggests that for students to grow as independent readers they need:
- classroom time to read
- to chose what they read
- instruction about what, how, and why to read
- to read a lot
- access to texts
- teacher monitoring, assessment, and support
- to talk about what they read
Miller goes on to say how important these factors are for English learners and striving readers, which make up the majority of our students at LOES. I'll admit that while reading this section, my toes were stepped on a bit. I have a long way to go in the implementation of my IR time. Like the teachers sited in the section, I have given numerous reasons why IR "isn't practical in my classroom." First grade is a lot of setting the foundation and teaching students the steps that they need to be successful later in their school career. However, I know that it is vital to teach them how to be readers and learners. Just like any beginning learner, there needs to be scaffolding and support. This section has opened my eyes to how important IR and support from me is. In the months to come, I would like to shift my focus toward these suggestions and away from the busy stuff.
It is very hard to work around the limitations of the school day. I am proud of all that you have done already to implement IR in your room. I can't wait to see more of this shift in the next few months Mandie!