Thursday, October 29, 2015

Schmidt Blog Post #3

Routman (2003) Chapter 5- Organizing an Outstanding Classroom Library

October 29, 2015

     For my blog post for October, I decided to read about classroom library because this is something of interest to me. I learned a lot reading it. Let me start out by saying that I spent a LOT of time this summer organizing my classroom library. I separated all of my books by genre, labeled them with stickers the correlate with the labels on the book baskets, and organized them accordingly. I was quite proud of myself at the end of the summer. During this reading, I learned the importance of a good classroom library in the classroom. The better the classroom library, the higher the chances are that more students are going to become motivated to read. Now one thing it stated is that students should become involved in the organizing process. Although I agree, this would be hard for me because of how much of a perfectionist I can be at times. Looking through my books today, some of them were in the wrong places, or put in the baskets very sloppily, and it was driving me crazy! I do, however, want to make my library more opening, and more encouraging for students to read. I am not sure if I am at that point yet. I also read about the importance of a good place for the students to read. I have a reading corner that I am also quite proud of. It has a carpet, 2 pillows, and a fun chair that the student of the day may sit in. I would like to have more seating, and eventually a bigger reading corner for my students to read in. All in all, this was a wonderful chapter. Laura and Dawn, if you're reading this I am ready for my classroom library make-over!!! :)


  1. Let's get that makeover started!!! I think the time you spent this summer on your library was wonderful! I know your kids love it. And yes they will put stuff in the wrong places! I suggest getting a couple of your students who you feel can understand how to determine if the books match the label and put them in charge of quickly scanning through the baskets from time to time.

  2. Hi Kristin,
    I loved reading your post about your classroom library and from having the opportunity to spend a little bit of time in your classroom from the observation I did awhile back I can attest to how organized your classroom is and how inviting the space is you've created for them. I want to suggest the possibility of creating a class job where a student or possibly two (I've used two before) organize the books students return to the classroom library. One teacher I've recently observed had a very effective system for her classroom library where she had one group each day visit the classroom library to return their books and to check out new ones and to read in the classroom library. This system worked so well because that group felt special reading that day in the library and the student librarian got up and return their books back in correct baskets and checked off the check out sheet for just that group of students. Each group was able to check out books on their day allowing the classroom library to be utilized in a meaningful but manageable way! Thanks, Dawn
