Saturday, October 31, 2015

Krystal's Blog Post #1 Share Your Reading Life

Chapter 3- Share Your Reading Life

As a reading teacher to young students, I believe it is important to share my reading life with them.  Majority of my students are used to independently reading only when teachers have allotted time in the classroom; while just a small few will read for pleasure whenever possible.  I have seen some students try sneaking in reading during other core content and even during recess; while others “fake” read during an independent reading block. “While it is true that we want out students to be able to read and comprehend well in all curriculum areas, including required high-stakes tests, let’s not lose sight of the fact that is they don’t read for pleasure they are not likely to make reading a lifelong habit or goal. (Routman, 2003)” It is important for the students to know that reading can be enjoyable.  At the beginning of the year, I choose the novel we will read whole group while applying reading skills being taught in the classroom.  As we conducted a book walk, some students began to get skeptical.  When asked if they believed this would be a book they would enjoy, some students were eager to begin reading and some were already casting the book aside.  I began to question those students who didn’t want to give the book a try.   Reasons included: not the right genre or I really don’t like to read. During this time, I tell the students how I thoroughly enjoy the novel; which is the truth.  But more importantly then telling them, I showed them.  During the reading of the novel, Maniac Magee, I read with expression, stop to show questioning during reading, laugh at parts in the book, and engage them in discussion.  Students are able to see me enjoying a book and painting a picture about what I am reading.  During a specific part of the book where the main character is dining with an unknown family, I stopped and began imagining out load how this could have taken place at my grandmother’s house when I was younger.  The students laughed and we held a brief discussion.  One student raises his hands and says,” Ms. Gathers, I can tell you really enjoy reading.”  I said of course!  I shared with the students how I am currently reading 3 books at home. 

One issue I noticed with students who originally stated they did not enjoy reading, was that they were not knowledgeable about all the genres and books that existed on topics they loved.  Students did not know how to choose books that they were interested in.  Some students did not even have a clue as to what books they might would’ve enjoyed.  Because of our first novel, some students fell in love with the author and have checked out some of his other books.

As the year progresses, our reading block will change from teacher-picked novels to student choice.  It was important for me to spend time with students and inform them about how reading can be enjoyable.  I do not share common ground with those students who do not enjoy reading.  I have always enjoyed reading a variety of literary texts.  I have always viewed reading as an escape from the real world!  It was difficult for me to understand their view and jump start them on the literacy path.  Now as a fifth year teacher, I am understanding more of the “WHY” they do not enjoy reading and the “HOW” I can change this thought. 


  1. Krystal, I love how you really take the time to "sell" the novel your class is reading. You make it fun for them by passing on your enthusiasm. You may have read it 20 times, but you still make that class feel the joy you have in reading it. This will help those more struggling readers get in to the material! I love how they are picking up other stories by that author on their own! I am really excited to hear what you think at the end of this year on how student choice impacted their learning and experience with the novel study. .

  2. Hi Krystal,
    I loved reading about your reading life and also finding out more about how you structure your literacy block with your students. I found myself laughing out loud when you shared how you modeled for students how to think aloud and how reading can be enjoyable through Maniac McGee. I know that many of our students do not enjoy independent reading and that is even more reason why we need to share our reading lives, model reading strategies through showing the "how" using think alouds, and most of all providing our students with opportunities to try out what we are teaching them in their own reading. Thanks, Dawn
