Saturday, October 31, 2015

Krystal's Blog #2

Section 1: Not This: Is There Enough Time? And Is Time Enough to Support Independent Reading?


This section really has hit so close to my classroom.  Searching for the time for true independent reading has been an especially difficult time this school year.  With numerous interruptions during the academic time due to programs and other activities, it has been challenging to designate at least 30 minutes to effectively implementing independent reading including conferencing.  Section 1: Not This has shined some light on how much non-instructional time is during the school day.  I have now incorporated an independent reading time at least 2-3 times a week.  During this time, I once believed in independently reading myself.  As the article mentioned it is not the most effective because you will never know if students are properly independently reading.  You also do not get the chance to see what reading skill students are using or need support in. 

Creating the time for independently reading and conferencing will benefit all students.  Those who are struggling readers will get the opportunity to practice reading skills taught during mini lessons and the one on one with the teacher to focus on reading strategies and tips.  The students who are proficient readers, will be able to read for enjoyment and also apply and deepen their understanding of the text.  I am currently trying to rework my daily schedule to allot for independent reading time and conferencing.

I can remember having DEAR (Drop everything and read) during my elementary experience.  Though I thoroughly enjoyed this time, my peers did not.  I can remember my teachers constantly reminding students that they were supposed to be reading during this time.  Teachers would get frustrated and discipline the students majority of the DEAR time. 


  1. That is so wonderful that you have worked to get 3 days of independent reading time in! I also agree that a teacher needs to be conferencing with students to make sure they are applying the reading skills and strategies that you are teaching. We will be looking at conferencing in our upcoming Read 2 Succeed courses!

  2. Hi Krystal,
    I am thrilled that you are finding more and more time to devote to independent reading! This is wonderful! I also appreciate how you are working to make sure that independent reading is not only meaningful, but also effective by monitoring students reading through conferencing and reading response and through providing support to students through strategic mini=lessons that help provide students with a purpose for their reading. Thank you! Dawn
